Attention Entrepreneurs!
Increase productivity by optimizing your health, fitness, and performance in less than 3 hours per week.
What is Elite?
Elite is a health program for high-level entrepreneurs focused on body transformation, internal health change, and performance optimization to help you look great, feel great and be great.

Meet Jordan

Busy executive who struggled with staying on top of his health during lockdown & his demanding job.

In 6 weeks we:

🔥 Dropped 15lbs fat
🍷 Reduced his alcohol consumption by 75%
🏆 Improved his sleep, reduced his brain fog & built sustainable habits

Meet Ken

He's a 50 year old entrepreneur

In 6 months we:

🔥 Dropped 40lbs fat
💪 Gained 5lbs  muscle
🏆 Built a sustainable system for his health

No crash dieting or hours of cardio.

Meet Marcus

He's an entrepreneur and in 8 months we've completely transformed his health.

🔥 No more gut
💪 More muscle
🏆 Wider shoulders
🚀 Double the strength of cardio
📈 Testosterone increased by 55%

4 Pillars of health

Sleep hygiene

As an entrepreneur, your mind is constantly buzzing with ideas, plans and deadlines. This leaves you with little time to unwind and get the quality sleep your body needs.

Optimal exercise

Your demanding schedule and low quality sleep quality gives you little time and energy for exercise. This leads to burn-out and body pains

Optimal nutrition

When you're constantly on the go, grabbing quick, unhealthy meals becomes the norm. This causes emotional eating and weight gain.

Mental health

Poor sleep, little exercise and bad nutrition leads to higher levels of stress and a poorer mental health

We help you

Look great

Show off your abs and strong lean body when you take your shirt off

Feel great

Have peace of mind knowing that your body has longetivity

Be great

Optimize your health and be able to perform at your best every single day

What our Clients say

"His expertise across all dimensions of health and wellness: exercise, food, sleep, mindset-"

"Oliver helped me to find the balance. By pursuing simple goals each day, it became easy to find focus and motivation..."

"Oliver coached me to see myself in a better light, created a fitness plan that I could stick to and now I'm leading my own fitness journey"

"His no-BS coaching style and simple routines massively 10xed my physical fitness and made me more productive with my company"

"I gained 6lbs of muscles and dropped body fat just working out 3 days a week. I could not recommend highly enough to anyone thinking about it"

"Since working with oliver, I am the healthiest I've ever been... He's changed my life and I hope to see as many of you engage with his services as well"

"If you're looking to get in shape but don't wanna make your life boring as f. Speak to him"

What our Clients say

"His expertise across all dimensions of health and wellness: exercise, food, sleep, mindset-"

"Oliver helped me to find the balance. By pursuing simple goals each day, it became easy to find focus and motivation..."

"Oliver coached me to see myself in a better light, created a fitness plan that I could stick to and now I'm leading my own fitness journey"

"His no-BS coaching style and simple routines massively 10xed my physical fitness and made me more productive with my company"

"I gained 6lbs of muscles and dropped body fat just working out 3 days a week. I could not recommend highly enough to anyone thinking about it"

"Since working with oliver, I am the healthiest I've ever been... He's changed my life and I hope to see as many of you engage with his services as well"

"If you're looking to get in shape but don't wanna make your life boring as f. Speak to him"

More Client transformations

Meet Will

He's an ex-corporate guy turned 7-figure entrepreneur.

Time off after having surgery caused him to fall out of shape.

In just over 18 months, we helped him gain more muscle, increase his strength, and get jacked.

Meet Ibrahim

He's a busy executive who works 60+ hour weeks.

In 10 weeks, we:

📉 Dropped 20lbs fat
🚀 Doubled his strength on his main lifts
🔥 Increased his energy levels so he performs at his best

Meet Sam

He's an entrepreneur who runs a successful eSports business.

We helped him reach a single-digit body fat percentage while running a busy startup.

🔥 No crash dieting or hours of mundane cardio.

Meet Josh

He's an entrepreneur who fell out of shape during the lockdown.

In 6 months we:

🔥 Went from 24% body fat to 12%
💪 Built muscle & strength
📉 Dropped 25 lbs of fat

No mundane cardio or restrictive dieting.

Meet Imran

He's one of my high-performing clients based in Malaysia.

In 8 weeks we:

📉 Dropped 16lbs
🔥 Reached 12% bodyfat
🏆 Optimized his sleep for increased energy levels

All without cutting out carbs or spending hours on the treadmill.

Meet Brad

He's an entrepreneur who runs a big accounting firm.

In 10 weeks we:

🔪 Cut his unwanted belly fat
💪 Doubled his strength in the gym
⚡️ Transformed his energy and focus

This was achieved while going through his busiest period at work & his wife having a baby.

Meet George

He's a high performer who travels internationally for work frequently.
Despite his schedule,

We helped him:

🔥 Drop 16 LBs of fat
💪 Get stronger on all compound lifts
🚀 Skyrocket his energy levels, mood & focus

No crash dieting or hours of cardio.

Meet Stuee

He's a sales executive that wanted to get shredded.

In the first 6 weeks he:

🔥 Dropped 15 LBs of fat
💪 Built a structure for his training
🍾 Closed his biggest deals at work.

He now has more confidence than ever before.

Meet Neetish

He's a seed-stage founder who struggled to find time for fitness around running his startup.

In 12 weeks we:

🔥 Dropped over 20LBs of fat
💪 Improved strength on all lifts
🧠 Skyrocketed his energy for optimal focus

No crash dieting or mundane cardio.

Meet James

He's an agency owner who wanted to get shredded.
In 7 months we: 

🔥 Reached a single-digit body fat
🧠 Optimized his sleep + focus
💪 Added 5 LBs of muscle

No crash dieting or hours of cardio.

Meet James

He's an entrepreneur who runs a PR firm.

Since working together:

🔥 Skinny fat to 15% bf
💪 Muscle mass built everywhere
🚀 Transformed his energy levels and focus

In his words, this is the best shape he has ever been in.

Meet Sam

He came to me 2 years ago, overweight, depressed, and unhappy with what he saw in the mirror.

After working together;

He's lost over 70 LBs 🔥

He no longer has fat around his stomach and finally feels confident with his shirt off.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to transform your body, mind, and well-being? Let's embark on this incredible journey together. Schedule your FREE Strategy Call With Oliver to discuss your goals and the Elite Performance Program.